The Law Firm of Hemming & Hemming with our extensive experience in estate planning will be able to explain all options available to you in order to meet your estate planning goals and fulfill the needs of your loved ones – whether you need to revise and update an existing will or create a comprehensive estate plan from scratch.
We can set up your Last Will in such a way that it ensures that your property will be transferred to those you have identified – even if they live abroad – as quickly and with as few legal hurdles as possible. We can determine which law is applicable to your Last Will and ensure that it is valid under the respective law.
We can represent you in probate proceedings both in California and all over Germany. We apply for the certificate of inheritance for you and register the change of ownership with the competent Land Title Office in Germany.
We advise you on all tax issues related to your will and estate under both German and US tax laws.
We can also offer mediation in estate matters to avoid having to go to court. Through this process the participants themselves decide and shape their future relationships and the distribution of the assets.